Here is some of the stuff I do

My hope for this site is to serve two purposes. One, it should encourage and focus myself to take on projects and document them! Two, it may be useful to anybody else who is kind enough to spend time on my site.

I use the word "project" loosely. The first such project has been setting up this website. If you can read this, I succeeded! More to follow...

Ideas for future projects

  • I've bought all the components needed for Ben Eater's 8-bit computer (link). All that's been missing is a lot of spare time to assemble it...
  • Ants as pets. (link)
  • Pulling images from radio signals of weather satellites in orbit. (link)
  • Programming Neural Networks from scratch. (link)
  • Soldering. I've got a soldering station and lots of parts, e.g. for an LED cube or a robot with sensors, but again, too little time to actually make use of it. Yet.
  • Weather station with Arduino and LoRaWAN. This will replace our current Netatmo station that is beginning to show its age.